Happy 4th!

Wishing you a happy, safe, and if you are in Washington St. a cool 4th of July.

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Happy Easter.

As the day draws to an end, I want to take a moment and wish you all a Happy Easter.


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I’ll miss you

Wednesday I noticed that the Editor, as we fondly call Dinah around here, was having some stability issues.  She was stumbling a bit and was loosing her balance.

It was obviously not her arthritis and that it was time.  So we took her to the vet first thing the next morning and once again held a paw while the vet made her comfortable.

I am comforted by the fact that whatever it was that was causing her not to be able to walk good, manifested so suddenly and she was not in pain or lingering discomfort.

She was only with me for about 6 years, though I had know her for the previous 4 as she had been my mom’s cat.

She was a right pill at times, but an amazing companion.  I miss my morning cuddles when the second alarm goes off.

Dinah OnBox

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Wishing you all a Happy Holiday

However you chose to observe your holiday I hope it is filled with love and enjoyment.

Be at peace,




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Scratching post or kitty bed?

Dinah Scratch Board

I like it here.

My momma loves me.


December 23, 2014 · 10:55 am