Category Archives: Weekly Photo Challange

Weekly Photo Challange

Photography 101: Glass

I really like the look (and sound) of water on glass.  So of course my glass project would be that.


I must have stood under this for 15 minutes or more just listening to the rain and watching the the droplets form different patterns.


The ice rink in Vancouver, B.C. has a very interesting domed cover that is glass.


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November 28, 2014 · 8:11 am

Weekly Photo Challange – Texture

The weekly photo challenge is Texture:

Metal Shoji Screen

I saw this I was like “I so need to make something cool and incorporate that texture/feel”.

Texture invokes so much for me. As a person, a jewelry designer, in photo restoration, etc. I want to see with my fingers and feel with eyes the kinds of emotion texture can bring.

These images are from a shoji screen my neighbor has had for may years and had picked up on one of her many travels. It stands about 6′ and has 3 1′ wide panels hinged together. The metal panels are embossed and the natural patina has been darkened a little for the contrast. I wish the photo was cleaner so you could see the dark, super smooth, ultra glossy, wood frame that holds the panels together.

Metal Shoji

A wider shot.

It is equally true that texture could be a matter of perception. Just look at the Editor having her nap. Just looks like dry crumbly old leaves that I have not swept up yet, but to her it is a soft cool bed to siesta out of the sun in.

Siesta time.

Siesta time.

Texture is the world and the world is texture. Embrace it.


Filed under Images, Weekly Photo Challange

A Photo a Week Challenge: Shy

The weeks nancy merrill photography challenge is: shy.

Shy Dinah

Is that a camera? Put your phone away, I know your not talking to someone.


Sam in her carrier

Is she gone? Just step away from the phone…


Filed under Animals, Images, Weekly Photo Challange

Catch The Rainbow

My friend Bjorn and I were coming home from having dinner with her family tonight when we caught a rainbow in front of us. This is one of those moments that it really pays to be the passenger as I can take pictures.

Rainbow on the horizon.

Faint, but amazing.

So I’m snapping along hoping to get a really good one when it starts to rain. Just like that a second, more brighter, rainbow pops up. It was so cool and very pretty.

Double rainbow.

Suddenly even more rainbow awesomeness happened to left of the first one.

These are not great shots as the lighting was getting dark, but the rain effects on the windshield was pretty neat.

As the rain stopped again the brighter rainbow faded, then they were both gone. I haven’t seen a rainbow in a long time and Bjorn and I had a wonderful moment trying to get that one shot while bumping along freeway laughing and oohhhing and ahhhing.

Imagine my surprise and delight to get home and find that the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge this week is : On the move.

While I did not publish this from my phone (still learning how to resize images on it), I did take the photos on my Samsung Galaxy.


Filed under Images, Things, Weekly Photo Challange

A Photo a Week Challenge: Flight

Arlington Air-show 1993. Arlington, WA.

Arlington Air-show 1993. Arlington, WA.

My brother’s ‘Hon-Dac’. Its an old Honda Coupe (600cc) he modified with a pterodactyl frame, wing and nose piece. This was one of two pterodactyls ultralights he flew. While he was not able to get it to ‘fly’ before he passed in the mid 90’s, he did get coverage in an aviation magazine in ’93.

A Photo a Week Challenge: Flight

Arlington Air-show 1993. Arlington, WA.

My brother once commented that he loved the pterodactyls so much because they almost flew themselves, they have such incredible lift.  He also used to cut the engine and just glide and listened to the silence while conserving gas.  He had a cloud form in his lap once, I wish I could have seen that!


Inspired by: A Photo a Week Challenge: Flight


May 4, 2014 · 11:58 am