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Scratching post or kitty bed?

Dinah Scratch Board

I like it here.

My momma loves me.


December 23, 2014 · 10:55 am


Some pretty pathways I have found on various walks over the years.  I find it heartwarming to find these little gems because they remind me that the path can be anywhere and lead anywhere.  Two of theres are in moderate sized parks, but the other two are walkways into private yards.




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December 2, 2014 · 9:13 am

First snow of the year.

While checking my phones notifications yesterday morning I saw a snow advisory.  Snow? Already? So I looked outside and sure enough there was snow.

I love snow.  The crispness of it is spectacular.  So let me show you.


Deciduous trees are my favorite type of trees and when you add snow to that its just beauty waiting to happen.


November 30, 2014 · 8:33 am

Photography 101: Glass

I really like the look (and sound) of water on glass.  So of course my glass project would be that.


I must have stood under this for 15 minutes or more just listening to the rain and watching the the droplets form different patterns.


The ice rink in Vancouver, B.C. has a very interesting domed cover that is glass.


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November 28, 2014 · 8:11 am

Photography 101: Edge

Edges… ’nuff said.

This blade is believed to a machete. However I do not know from where.  The scabbard and hilt are carved and have a Polynesian feel.   Something I found very interesting is the markings on both the top edge and flat side of the blade. I don’t know what they signify, but seem more functional than decorative.  Even the recessed areas of wood have a aesthetic element with the little holes.


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This dagger is one of my favorites  as it has a stacked leather and brass hilt.  The process is an art in itself. Disks of leather and brass shaped like washers are stacked up on the knifes tang in the order/design you want and glued together and dried under pressure.  The leather is then shaped with a lathe or a dermal.

This blade also has a sharp and pointy cap that screws onto the end of the tang.  It can also be used to inflict ouch. The balance is excellent for me and the hilt fits in my hand perfectly (you can barely see it).  I were to fight with a knife, it would be this one.


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Ok,  I really don’t know nothing about this sword.  Sadly neither did the man who gave it to me.  All we know is that it is a replica.  The blade is engraved and states that its made in India as well as some writing in a local language.  The scabbard is velvet over wood with a gold lace-like ribbon.  It is missing the securing cord.

The hilt actually looks more European to me and it maybe from the time of the British Raj.  Honestly, I have never really spend a lot of time looking into it.  I need to.

I wish the the glare could have been managed better so some of the engraving is hard to see.




November 26, 2014 · 1:27 pm